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Premiered on Oct 2022, Finch Lane Gallery, SLC. UT.

This site-specific performance is inspired by ongoing research on physical effects of the memory (vibrations) of female-gendered violence victims in the Mexican context.

Esta intervención escénica está inspirada en la investigación en curso de los efectos físicos de la memoria (vibraciones) de las mujeres víctimas de violencia de género en el contexto mexicano.


"The piece I saw at the Art Barn was Stephanie García’s demanding but beautiful solo Vanished Vibrations, presented as a part of García’s Flash Project residency, made in collaboration with PROArtes México, Punto de Inflexión Dance Company and video artist Peter Hay. I found the opening of this solo particularly moving. It began with García, seated on a plinth with a red flower held between her lips. As she descended, she took a small potted plant with her which she eventually carried on her back while slowly crawling from one side of the room to the other. Along the way there were many danced digressions, passages of pure movement where she seemed to tumble down a spiral into some region of mind that demanded her body and attention for a spell. Eventually she arrived at a corner where a handheld light passed to an audience member became the sole illumination. Eventually this piece became about several recognizable themes: a reclamation of García own body, feminist protest movements in Latin America and beyond, a kinesthetic acknowledgement of the dozens of women murdered in Mexico every week. Even as García carried such heavy content (as well as a prop that at least momentarily read as a body bag) she seemed to loose her curiosity about the couple dozen bodies, in darkness and penumbra that were taking her in. There were moments of tenderness — a disposable mask she put on when an audience member helped her hang a piece of twine; the care with which she hung up articles of clothing presumably representing lost lives; even the delicateness of a passage we all eventually traversed to the back of the building where she danced with Hay’s video — a brittle threshold of corn husks."


Samuel Hanson is the executive director and editor of loveDANCEmore.


Read more in October Digest: New work and new ways of seeing. October 4, 2021.


A show in collaboration with Peter Hay and Stephanie García

Direction, choreography, and performer: Stephanie García

Space Design and installation: Peter Hay

Videos: Peter Hay & Stephanie García

Venue: Finch Lane Gallery, SLC.

Music: krill.minima Special Thanks to Cora Hay.


* Project supported by Center of Latin American Studies and Tinker Foundation.

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Vanished Vibrations

Vanished Vibrations



©2021 por Stephanie García. Creada con

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